Call for Nominations of the Frank J. Rizzo Award

Nominations are being accepted for the Frank J. Rizzo Award to be presented at IABEM 2013.

The Frank J. Rizzo Award was established by IABEM to honor outstanding individuals and their research in the field of BIE/BEM. The main criterion in selecting the award winner is based on the seminal contributions of the individual in BIE/BEM research that have long lasting impact on the field. Further considerations include contributions in promoting BIE/BEM and support of the BIE/BEM community, including IABEM.

Please submit your nomination with a copy of the nominee's curriculum vitae to the chair of the Award Committee before July 1, 2012.

The Frank J. Rizzo Award Committee of IABEM:

Yijun Liu (Chair) University of Cincinnati
Marc Bonnet Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées
Naoshi Nishimura Kyoto University
Olaf Steinbach Graz University of Technology
Johannes Tausch Southern Methodist University
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